Its the middle of summer wtf?

Maybe its because its been so damn hot already this summer, but lately i cant help but think about winter and how i want to go snowboarding. Hell i'm not really even that good.. im just excited to get out there on the slopes and use my new gear... hop off little jumps like i know what im doing and carve down a slope knowing that if i so much as sneeze my mouth will be full of snow. (sad no pic of my deck, but there are my sweet bindings)
Maybe im just crazy. Who knows.
I also looked into mouting tires + springs + shocks + camber kit + tires. It looks like it'll be like $1500 for a shop to do all that. :-o! Damn cars and them being so expencive. I guess i could save $400 and install springs + shocks + camber kit myself, but i dont know how i'll find like 8 hours to take apart my car and put it back together.. assuming all goes well... being my first time i see it taking many many hours.
I still need to bring over my snowboard, boots and bindings from England, but every time I go over there, I find a million other things to bring back instead!
I'll help you install your car parts if you are feeling adventurous, then we can put some coilovers on mine. ;o)
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