Monday, December 11, 2006

Early, duck, growing up.

Early, duck, growing up.So last night planning to work at 10 i decided to go to bed at like 130/2. But luckily i got the joy of getting a call to see if i wanted to work early... Damn you kt! :). O well least i get off early.

As you can see bowser got a new rubber bath toy buddy! I jacked him from the rec... He even squeeks!

Growing pains...They say change is tough. I am realizing that it really is! Lately i have been in talks with a buddy about moving into an appt together. Last week we found a pretty sweet deal. We found a place and the asking rent was just over 1k a month. Basically the place is 3 stories with an attached 2 car garage. Really nice. However the lease needed to be signed within the next few days. Theoretically this should pose no problem for me... Since i am living at home and could leave at any time.However it turned into this big thing for me. After being in the nest with almost everything taken care of for me the thought of moving out is weird. While having 'freedom' from the rents is nice the new prison of cleaning, cooking, laundry, and losing my large spendable income kind of sucks.
Now on the bus i thought about just how little has changed in the last few years for me. Living arrangements same, friends (largely) same, bob l still in my life, swimming even bigger part of life, females and prospects same.So to sum it up... Most major portions of my life strongly parallel the situation 6 years ago. So much for growing up eh?Anyway we missed the other appt but they have am opening at the end of jan and my roomie has decided he will cover month 1 of rent since i cant really move till like end of feb. I have a few days to think it through... We will see if i am ready for some change.


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