Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Mia yesterday.

Mia yesterday.
So yesterday i took my laptop to work so i could get it set up. So i forgot my headphones. Which was fine... I dont always listen to them, but because of this i had my first random conversation on the bus.
Apparently this dude is moving to japan for his wife and he has some interesting views to both countries. He was talking about people in the military being crazy. I mentioned that there are not too many other options for some people and if said he would rather have two jobs, one at mc donalds and one at taco bell before serving. Then he said if he still could not make ends meet he would also rather pick up a 3rd job cleaning toilets. Dizam.
My new obsession = shuffle board. Yes i know it sounds pretty lame, but i get into it. I recall lots of high fives being handed out last night. Damn you simon for getting me on the table top curling goodness.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes! I was thinking tonight about playing more shuffle board! We should shuffle it up this weekend for certain!

12:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm totally in. I can't get enough! Maybe it's those little silicone sand things working through our bloodstream. I bet their addictive and I know I got a whole nosefull when scott chucked that rock at me right into the pile of sand.

8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe I just typed the wrong "they're" I HATE It when people do that! Now I feel so stupid. I blame it on not enough sleep.

8:43 AM  

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