Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Lost for words...

Lost for words...
People have created situations where social interactions are weird. Here are some that i like.
The elevator... Which is worse? Standing in silence for 15 seconds or telling some dumb joke to ease the silence? It feels so worthless to even start a conversation when the end is coming in a few seconds?
Next situation is seeing the same person in the hallway 15 times a day. It always starts with a friendly hello and usually a little small talk. Then it morphs into waves or nods of acknowledgement maybe a clever joke or two. Eventually you're as sick of seeing them as they are of you.
My fav is still prob the strip club. What exactly do you say to a person who is gyrating on your junk? Do they prefer to converse? Im sure just like any job they get bored. Well i guess you are paying them so you can do whatever you want.
Thats a small sample of these situations. Other favs i did not elaborate on... Getting hit on by a member of the same sex, having lunch with someone you hate, but they think you're good friends, what to say to a person after you just rear ended them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone rear ended me the other day. They said "Oh my god Oh my god. I'm so SORRY!" They didn't hurt my car though so it was ok.

I like the elevator. It is your chance to be weird around someone that you'll probably never see again. You could start talking to yourself like you're crazy or you could do obnoxious things like push all the buttons and stuff.

I think the worst is when someone talks to you and you don't want to talk to them. They try to strike up this amazing conversation with you by saying something stupid and you just want to kick them in the knee and say "Shut up"

8:15 AM  

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