disgrace to the asian race
disgrace to the asian race
So i took the gmat this weekend and my score reflects that i am a disgrace to my race. My verbal score was like the 70th percentile while my math was like 44th :(. I guess it should have been the other way around being that i am 'harold'.
Anyway i also signed up to get my own 'space'.
My rant for today is about 4 20.
So i guess campus police had a new way to crack down on 420 this year. They posted signs that the field was closed and that electrionic monitoring would be in use. Of course people didnt listen and went and lit up on the field anyway. Well apparently electronic survalence meant that they were taking photographs of people on the field. So they have now posted 150 pictures online to be identified, offering $50 per person identified. I myself browsed the site and found a familiar face, but did not turn them in.
Anyway apparently someone on the club swim team was id'd by someone. He then wrote an email to the swim team asking why $50 would be incentive for anyone to turn someone in... stating that he was a psych major and that he was curious.
My thought is that the 4 20 smokers are a joke... not only to themselves, but also to CU. If someone robbed a bank and thought it was ok because the date was 5 21 and that happens to be the police code for a robbery in progress everyone would think that person was a wack job. Oh yeah btw.. i just looked it up 420 is not even a police code for anything!.. much less for jane.
I am a supporter of the legalization of the green... mostly cuz i think the reasons it was outlawed in the firstplace were BS (see "grass" if you want to know more), but people who smoke on 4 20 are idiots. They should smoke @ home like they do every other day. If someone goes out and smokes on 4 20 they should def NOT be angry if they get caught. If they are mad about getting action taken against them they should ponder how they ever got to college in the first place. The fact is that SMOKING IS ILLEGAL... if you cant stand the heat in the kitchen get the f' out (or dont go in to begin with). We're all of age to be adults, be prepared to face consequinces for the actions that you take.
The pic has no significance to anything.. just a cute pic haha.
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