Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Plans... Yesterday at my grad school interview they asked quite a few forward looking questions. And i realized i still have no idea what the hell i am doing. After living roughly a third of my life and becoming an 'adult' a have no direction or purpose.

They asked things like where do i see myself in 5 years? And honestly i had no clue just mainly hoped to be living healthy and happy, but of course i came up with some better vision.

Can we achieve our fullest potential without all this planning? I feel like lot of people in about their every day lives and kind of go through the motions with no main goal except to make it through the day.

It seems like we could do more with a purpose. Like many of the greatest athletes... From what i know they dont become so great by going through the motions or by some blind luck. Most of then are fairly driven and are constantly working to be better/faster/stronger.

The problem is that life and sports are very different. It is quite easy to benchmark sports to see/ensure constant forward progress. Did i swim faster? Was i able to lift 20 more pounds? Did my shooting % increase? Simple yes no questions.

How do we measure our lives? One standard measure is income. Do i make more now then i did before? But i would argue this is a horrible measurement. Sure i made a shit ton more, but i also worked my ass to the bone.

Other measurements could be happyness or satisfaction, but this is so subjective and once again presents a problem... What makes me less satisfied today could lead to much greater satisfaction later.

I dont really know where i am going with this. But i still dont have this great life plan. Do you?


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