if there was any doubt about how ghetto my living situation is...

My beautiful livingroom/dining room area from just inside the doorway (sorry its so blurry... too lazy to retake)

A view at my kitchen. taken from the window of the living room pic. (you can see the front door to the left)

Prob the least ghetto thing in the whole place... like 3-4k of electronics... still need some boomin surround sound and TV stand tho :(

This is where i make myself look so damn hot every day. Is it kind of gross/odd to hang your damp swim suits to dry where the hand towel should be? Also you like how you cant see me taking the photo? where am i? (i squeezed behind the door)

This may look like my front door, but no no... that would be relatively normal... this is the lock to my bathroom door... classy DU.

The good thing about living w/o ladies... i have free reign on the toilet seat haha

A view from my room door. You can see all my quality target stuff. In the right is my defunct bed. I like to use it as a pseudo couch when i ps3 in the living room. You might also see the party hat from SW's awesom bday party.

A look at my awesome closet with the door in the closed yet open position. I think this is pretty classy as well.
Anyway i hope you enjoyed the grand tour of "das haus der Ko" I do still plan on havin some peole over for some wii -> denver -> drunken wii action. You're always welcome to my air mat if you find yourself in the area.
Ha ha, das haus der Ko... brilliant. Looks good my friend. Will look forward to crashing there soon.
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