Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The robots will win because we're too da

The robots will win because we're too damn lazy...

Hear my warnings great people of earth. We are becoming way too lazy...

Proof of the end. We would rather drive around a close parking lot for 20 min trying desperatly to stalk a pedestrian then to park 50 yards away.
We now cant carry back packs on our backs... We must now roll them around no matter how stupid we look.

We cant even make our own god damn coffee! We must pay like twice as much to buy some that is made for us...

We cant even sit in a seat on the bus! We must lay down on a busy bus so that no one can sit down! Ok not the most common, but someone is currently doing so and thats annoying.
Not only will the robots beat us... We will all take naps while they take over... Cuz it would be a little inconvenient for up to fight for our freedem.


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