Monday, November 19, 2007

Just how long is a quarter?

Just how long is a quarter?

I was initially going to write about my run today but discovered that this post works on many levels. Firstly how friggin cute is that game cover... Funny ass game and i cant wait to break it out.

Anyway i decided that i really need to step up the fitness there have been way too many weak excuses for me not going the last few weeks, but it all boils down to me being a weak unmotivated non spartan. So i decided my new workout mantra is 'until it hurts'. Basically every day no matter what the activity is i want to push... Well basically till it hurts. (O my god they are doing night road work right now and i can hear it... Gonna be a long night). A also want to avoid any sort of routine. So i used to do similar exercises on chest days, arm days, leg days etc etc. Well anyway it is a well known fact your body gets bored and plateaus. So i want to keep it on its toes and throw new things at it constantly. So today i decided i would run to start my leg workout. I start running and notice the game is on and the 3rd quarter had just begun. So i decided i would run the whole quarter... Mistake. You think 14:40 left not too bad. Wrong sir. Like game min had gone by and i had run like 10 min. To make things worse i kept increasing the incline and decreasing it to make things harder. With 7 game min left i almost quit, but somehow i kept going... Finally 2 min left... Mistake no 2. Lets run a minute on full incline... Ramp er up and i am dying. Minute over... And the machine wont decline any more... Whoops.

Anyway i ended up at a little under 44 min and 4 miles. So like 11 min miles pretty weak sauce, but that is the base of the pyramid.

The other reason this post works is because i finished my last finals today! There is nothing further i can do to save my grades. Tomorrow night is going to be mad down at 'the border'... Boulder is so lucky to have pearl street.


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